Tuesday 14 May 2013

Brief 1: New Images for the 3rd publication // Bella's Portfolio

These are the last set of images I have been waiting for to be able to finish the publication. It is a series of 6 images featuring Caiti's (fashion designer) full collection for her Final Major Project. The spread below is the cover page. I could not apply the same cover page rule to this spread as I had done before because all the photographs are portrait not landscape so I had to use the rule for the other spreads to make this page work. 

Final Project.

I suggested to Bella that she needed to have her final piece for her third year, or at least some examples of what she was going to do, as it was the culmination of her degree, this was her portfolio so it is arguably the most important project and it needed to be included. I was sent four images and I only had space in the book to use two, which fitted well so I chose two photographs that contrasted in colour.

This was another of the images I was sent as part of her final piece development but I decided against using this as it wasn't as visually strong and 'finished' like the other images and photographs in the book.

Working the Layout.

I had to write a short bit of information about these final images, and luckily because this was the last project to include, I knew enough information about Bella's work and her ideas to be able to write something she was happy with.

Final Spread.

I had a bit of trouble arranging the text for this spread but I have managed to move around the images and adjust them so it fits with the rest of the publication and on the spread.

There is a strong diagonal focus of this image so I thought it would balance out the spread well if the text and title of the project was fitted around one of the corners.

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