Saturday 11 May 2013

Brief 1: Pure Imagination // Problem Number 2...the front cover

The other issue Bella and I discussed was the front cover. She wasn't happy with the Image I had chosen for it mainly because she didn't think it was the strongest of the images. Secondly because it was used in the publication already. Furthermore, she wasn't overly keen on the placement of the I had to have a rethink!

I did agree with her on using a different image on the front cover could be more interesting. The image you can see above is very zoomed in, in comparison to the photograph used in the book, and it had been flipped.

Similar to issue with the 'about the photographer page', I had another look through the vast collection of photographs from her work this year and found the image we were originally going to use for the Violet Baudrillard poem. It was also a landscape photograph which meant that the back cover issue would also be sorted, by just having the unused part of photograph covering it.

New Cover

This was the photograph we chose for the new front cover. It was the first photograph which Bella Rae took for the whole project but when I initially went through the photographs for the book, I thought that the image I used now is much stronger.

This image is both bright and striking so would make the book stand out also it would also contrast well with white text. I also thought this image was good because it was linked to the first poem, without being the one of the images used in the book.

Slight issue...

Out initial excitement upon finding that the cover would work was soon crushed when I checked the mode and had to changed it to CMYK

The Difference....RGB to CMYK

Bella has done the shoot using a Gell Light which is how she achieved such fantastically bright colours. The only issue is that these colours would not print and this is was the result of what happened when I changed the photo to CMYK....the whole impact of the image had been lost and the contrast in colours was unbalanced. The red of the ball was far too bright in comparison to the face, meaning the eye was drawn  to that instead of the eyes.

Photoshop Edits..

Through editing the brightness, contrast and curves, these were the edits I got.

Edit 1
Too much pink and the face looks too distorted with colour.

Edit 2

Edit 3

Front Cover Comparisons

These are the original covers withe photo before I changed the mode. With the change of image, the typeface now looked completely out of place and despite the contrast of white with the colour of the image, the title of the book was completely overpowered. Secondly, I had to split the title onto two lines to fit into the bubble, which now made the 'Imagination' much longer than Pure...even making 'pure' bigger didnt help. 

Chosen Photograph...Edit 2

This is the design I went with because there was enough colour in the face to balance out the brightness of the balloon. 

Changing the typeface

Now that the typeface I used didn't work with the new image, this was a good opportunity to make the cover typeface the same as the headers throughout the rest of the publication. I wanted to make the 'P' line up with the italic slant of the 'I'. 

Cover with Edit 2

This was the original photograph which I chose for the cover, however coming back to it I think it looks too dark. 

Cover with Edit 3

This is the new cover, there is less pink in the face and the photograph is a bit lighter than edit 2, which makes the deep purple of the eyes contrast well and draws the viewers eye to them. 

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