Wednesday 8 May 2013

Brief 1: Pure Imagination // Publication changes

Phil Cleaver (from Etal Design, Oxford) was in Leeds today over at the Uni and wanted to come and have a look around the Art College, this was a perfect opportunity to get some help / feedback on the publication so far considering this was his area of expertise!

The front cover, like the rest of the book now is as misleading as the rest of the book. Also with the arrangement of the text it looks like a joint - making the book look quite intriguing.  Another pointer from Phil Cleaver was that, 'when in doubt, always use a photograph from within the publication and just flip in and have it arranged differently' so this is what I have done from using the Red Riding Hood poem.  Although I feel the typeface works in looking like smoke and italic slanting of the typeface works well in looking like smoke being blown from the mouth, I feel am starting to question its readability and also it is a different typeface from the rest of the book. This is something I need to look back at and develop. 

The contents page is now visually represented by showing the contents of the models mouth. Some of the feed back that Phil gave was that the first few pages were too bland, and going from an now more exiting and enticing front cover, the reader will lose interest within the first 2 double page spreads. So he suggested that I find photographs of Bellas work that I could use to visually represent each new page. I have reduced the size of the text on the right hand side but I am going to move the whole section over to the right by one column as at the moment it is too close to the image. 

The idea here was to use an image that represented an 'insight' or 'thought' as this page was about the background and concept of the book so I have just enlarged the 'Pure Imagination' Image, as she looks deep in thought.

This is an image that Bella took three years ago which I have used on the business cards, but it is one image that stands out among all the others, it is incredibly strong and catches the attention of the viewers. By placing it on the page which is about Bella - it makes it look as thought this is Bella. The one issue I am worried about with this page is that currently I am only using a low resolution image of it as the original has been lost, so I need to go through with Bella and hopefully we can work something out.

There is now a double page spread at the front of the book as the 'thanks page has been moved to the back of the book...I think I want to do something Typographic on this page but I am still debating about it.

New Text Arrangement

The text was looking rather disjointed so I have now made it more of a unit by replacing the month that the photographs were take in to a number instead of a word...meaning the type can fit on to the end of it and look more together. I have also placed the page number in a grey box underneath the text.
I have also changed the colour of the text boxes to be two colours from within the photographs, because the black was too harsh. The black was too distracting from the photograph, which was the focus and by changing the colour of the text boxes, it meant that I didn't have to reduce the size of the type and boxes as I felt that the text would then be lost in the white space. I wanted to maintain a balance of the focus on the image without the text becoming insignificant.

Previously I arranged the images so that they were only on one side throughout the spreads, however I found by changing this image from the right to the left side of the spread, it didn't seem quite so cut off and the text aligned much more effectively with the corner of the TV, the whole spread looks more proffessional.

This image I found quite testing to arrange the text with originally because the original photo is portrait not landscape like the others, meaning there was only a certain width the image can be streched to before tthe image becomes compromised. This meant that previously the text was hanging in place, without really looking professional. With the new rules in place; the text has to be a certain place horizontally on the page, and with the text now being more of a unit, the spread has vastly improved. 

The same applies for this image as previously I tried to arrange the text so that it fit in with the two fingers, but in doing this the text looked too different from the rest of the spreads. Now, even though there is a significant amount of white space the text is neither lost in it, or distracting from the image. 

Just like the 'Pure Imagination' image, I found many problems trying to arrange the text, but now I have swapped over the image so that it is predominately on the left side of the spread, the arm doesn't seem so cut off, and the white off the cuff on right side blends in to the white of the spread. Also by changing the colour of the text boxes from black to yellow and orange (colour of the chips) the spread looks much less harsh, contrasting and disjointed. 

The next two spreads are the new image I was sent, and have also been shot in as a portrait image rather than a landscape, so I just used the same rules and methods for the Pure Imagination image and the Augustus Gloop Image to make the spread work.

Although his is a landscape image, I had difficulty knowing how much of the image to use accross the two pages. I previously had this image on the right hand side of the page but I didn't think it looked right because the shoulders were the cut off point, now by moving the image to the other side, it looks as though the body is being hidden by the edge of the book rather than the head - it fit much better.

I have moved this page from the front to the back of the book - the order seems more appropriate. Now that it is printed out I feel that this page is a little bare - there are a few more images that Bella has taken (shoots that she didn't think worked for certain poems) so I will go through these and see which one will fit. 

Currently this is the back cover, in comparison to the rest of the book and the front cover it is a little plain so I need to look at what I can do to this to make it more exiting and fit with the rest of the book. 

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